You remember when Rachel Dolezal was busted passing herself off as a sister? Brazen. Audacious. THE NERVE. A white woman and member of the demographic that benefits from Affirmative Action policy the most, pretending to be BLACK. We weren't surprised though because we are aware of our magic. And like Greg Tate said - they want everything but the burden. We have ALWAYS been the most hated and the most imitated. Rachel Dolezal, however, took imitation to a whole other level.
Policies such as these are completely inappropriate and unacceptable and will only serve to perpetuate the marginalization of the only people native to that land.
Guess what though? In South Africa, you don't even have to pretend to be Black anymore - at least if you are Indian or Chinese. That's because in South Africa, members of the aforementioned ethnic groups are considered Black Africans.
Just let that marinate for a minute.
As you may or may not know, South Africa used to run on apartheid, a system of access and discrimination based solely upon race. It's still very much in place today, but not officially. Officially, all the racial subjugation is over and they would highlight the South African Employment Equity Regulation of 2014 to prove this point. This policy is best understood as a quasi-Affirmative Action measure designed to make it harder for employers to discriminate based upon race. This is one of many policies under South Africa's purported Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) strategy.
But here's the rub: now that Asians are considered Black, they qualify for the same assistance that Black South Africans qualify for.
That would make sense IF AND ONLY IF Asians had been discriminated in the same way and by the same measure as Black South Africans. But they weren't.
If it was me, I would suggest that Black South Africans escort any non-indigenous person out of the country. Completely. But that won't happen. So in the meantime, I think it would be meat to dedicate a significant amount of time/energy/resources into being a part of their policy making. Policies such as these are completely inappropriate and unacceptable and will only serve to perpetuate the marginalization of the only people native to that land. The only people who have a rightful claim to that land and it's resources.
Everyone needs to be aware of this type of fuckery. And that's what it is. It goes on in South Africa and it goes on everywhere else in the world where evil people clamor for control and wealth. In the internet age we can not afford to be ignorant of these goings-on and we can not afford to sit on the sideline while they transpire.
Hannibal Pace
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