Mar 01, 2017 Guess who's collaborating with @JillisBlack to raise money for the Decarceration Collective??? JillisBlack and Free Breakfast are proud to announce our charitable fundraising collaboration!!!! Continue reading Tags: community outreach police brutality prison industrial complex race relations social justice systemic racism
Feb 04, 2017 Remember when that nazi Richard Spencer got punched during a live interview? Most times its saddening to hear about people being the victim of violence. MOST times.... Continue reading Tags: Poetic Justice race race relations
Apr 11, 2014 Is it legal to shoot African American people? It's a ridiculous question, but if it is NOT legal to shoot African American people, then why were 136 UNARMED African American people killed by police and security personnel in 2012 alone? Continue reading Tags: consciousness critical thinking police brutality police shootings race relations
Apr 07, 2014 Interview: Hi. My name is Officer Dante Servin and I murdered Rekia Boyd. Did we really stumble upon an interview with Rekia Boyd's shooter? Continue reading Tags: consciousness critical thinking police brutality race relations real news